Hi Everybody,
Jim this time. Linda's condition is so stable that it's hard to provide any kind of update other than "Things are the same." Linda's getting around so well that she's started driving around a little bit by herself, and consequently I ended up going to work every day last week. So yes, things are going well for now and Linda is taking advantage of the new medication every chance she gets.
I thought I would take the opportunity to post some of the pictures from the birthday party:

Sorry about the formatting, believe me, it's harder than you think. Thanks to Bob and Heather for all the great pictures.
So the next big event will be a CT and bone Scan, on or about July 1st. We'll see what that brings.
One last thing---Today Linda and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. If for no other reason, Linda deserves canonization for putting up with me for all these years.