I swear, it seems as if the minute I mention good news on this blog, things go to hell in a hand cart. After last Monday's post when everything looked stable, Linda started getting abdominal pains that night. She didn't get much rest, so we graduated from Tylenol to some more heavy duty pain medication, which let her sleep most of the day.
Wednesday, things seem to be back to normal, but then Wednesday night the pains returned and got really, really bad. I spoke to the doctor Thursday morning and he recommended a higher pain medication dose that made it tolerable, and we went to see him Friday afternoon. Needless to say, traveling to the doctor's office was no fun for Linda. After getting a Demerol IV in his office, he sent us down to the emergency room at Christ hospital for yet another CT scan, as he was concerned that there were some liver problems, based on the location of the pain.
So our trip to the doctor ended up being another long day, as we didn't get home until 8:30 Friday evening. The good news is that they didn't find anything to explain the pain, but then that's the bad news too. Except for the trip to the doctor/ER, Linda had been in bed since Wednesday night. But by Saturday night the pain was gone again, and Linda was insistent on going to her cousin's fundraiser. As some of you may know, Connie Naber helped build a hospice and orphanage for HIV positive children in Tanzania (
www.karamaconnection.org), and Linda had been planning on making one of the trips to Africa with Connie, when we found out her cancer had returned. (If you happen to be looking for a worthwhile charity to contribute to, this is a good one.)
So come hell or high water, we were going out Saturday night! As it turned out, it was a great opportunity for us to see all the Naber clan, and we had a great time. As of this Monday morning, Linda's abdominal pain is still there but minimal, and she's had to rest more than usual to recover from the weekend's events. That's all for now.
Thanks for all your concern and support,