Jim here again. If you read Brittny Dudley's comment on the last post (or if you tried to attend), you know that the prayer service didn't take place on the 23rd. You may recall that was the night of freezing rain, and Badin had to cancel all their events. Since all the ex-Badin students who planned to attend are back at college, Gina Helms is going to try and arrange something in May, (perhaps on Linda's birthday, May 21st).
That night I had intended to bring the collages that Jay Jackson (husband of Andrea's longtime gradeschool and highschool friend, Susan Wenner Jackson) had prepared for Linda's visitation. Since that didn't happen I've decided to post them here. If you click on the picture, you get a fairly high resolution image.
Also, if you'd like the 50 minute video of the Remembrences we recorded at Linda's visitation, send me an email at jwimmers@cinci.rr.com with your address. Let me know if you want a DVD or CD(Windows Media Player format).
I haven't decided how to end the blog yet, for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, it will be hard to say goodbye to everyone who traveled this road with us. Also, I'm not sure what my parting comments would/should be. And finally, Andrea and Sue Niehaus are encouraging me to keep it open at least till the prayer service takes place. So we'll see what happens.
Bye for now,
Luv ya,