Friday, May 22, 2009

From Sue Niehaus

Today is May 18th. I am sure we are all thinking about and missing Linda this week as we remember the wonderful birthday party last year. If anyone reads this comment, how about we all submit a Linda moment or memory that celebrates her life.

Here's mine ...It may sound crazy, but I believe it with all my heart!!!!
Every morning I light a candle to welcome Linda's presence. Somedays I feel her more than others, but it's a wonderful way to begin your day. Two weeks ago, I hoped that it would be a day that I truly felt her presence. I was really missing her! When I welcomed her, I got a spontaneous answer in my heart that she was busy and couldn't sit with me because she was meeting Ghandi. It was so Linda, that I knew it was her talking to me. It was a GREAT feeling!!!!!!
Sue Niehaus