Today has been much like yesterday. Medicines, IVs, a shower, a little food, and lots of waiting. At around 8:30 this morning the nurse said that Linda was to receive a blood transfusion because of a low red blood cell count (anemia) which showed up on her 4:00 AM blood tests. This just involved Linda signing another waiver and the nurse running one more line into her catheter. It took about three hours total. The various liquids they are pumping into Linda are shown in the picture (taken this morning). The doctor said that the anemia was mild, but it is standard procedure to give a transfusion in the case of anemia during IL-2 because the treatment seems to work better when patients have a higher red blood cell count.
The doctors still say to expect worse side effects tomorrow and Sunday, but said that Linda is doing very well, relatively speaking.
Otherwise, Linda has passed the time playing Set and Boggle with Andrea, watching a movie and TV, working on a Sudoku puzzle, reading e-mails and blog responses, eating a little, and sleeping. We are all looking forward to the Red Sox game tonight (sorry, Tom). On another note, Jim and Andrea have both had a chance to take advantage of the hospital workout gym, which was a nice stress relief for both.
Thanks again to everybody for checking in. It's so nice to feel connected from so far away!
Love you all!
Linda, Jim, and Andrea
Sounds like you are doing well, Linda. If visitors are permitted and if you would like some this weekend, let us know -- by blog or phone; and tell us how to find you.
In Boston a few weeks ago, George Clooney revealed that he was rooting for the Red Sox (over the Yankees, R.I.P.). When asked about it, he said that he was a Reds fan, but he had to give up on them in May. Bosox are his second choice. Gee, George is just like me.
Here's to blood donors! I can't do it myself (I'm a passer-outer), but I admire people like my dad who do it. They help Linda make it through her treatment, and hopefully help it work better. Stay strong! You can do it!
Hi Susan,
Linda was a member of the 5 gallon club at the Hoxworth blood center too. It's only fitting that she finally got some of it back.
Just checking in to let you know that I finally feel as if I am successful on the blog. Your room looks enormous! Competition with the Ritz. I 've heard the service there is fantastic! Stay happy!
Sue, This is Jim. Linda would answer you but the 3pm dose really laid her out. She's not in any pain, she just sleeps all the time. I'll read your post to her when she wakes up, either at the 11pm dose or in the morning.
i'm so glad to hear that you have been passing the time by playing set!! i bet the big set cards were too big to bring along haha but i'm sure the regular size cards do the job :) stay strong!
meghan connelly
Gina Helms has called me this week and also been emailing me about everything you have been going through. I want you to know that prayers sare coming your way from the Bluegrass and that you will be in my prayers, especially at Mass here,at Mary, Queen of Heaven. I know you have a deep faith and a strong soul. I treasure the time I got to teach with you at BHS during those five great years back in "the nineties." That just made me feel older typing that!
I will pray to Father Badin today and to another patron saint of mine for your intentions.
Father Rick Wurth
That's a lot of fluids! Glad to hear things are going as well as they could be.
The cats and I are working hard on positive thoughts, though I have to get Nevada to stop worrying about eating every now and then.
I went up to the Day to Remember Volleyball tournament at Capn Bills (probably the biggest tournament of the year because it's more like a county fair type of thing), and everyone was asking about how all of you were doing and conveying their best wishes and prayers. Andrea: it seems Grace is going to get the pie in the face! Everyone has also mentioned that they are checking the blog and are glad it is there. Jeff will try to post later-I finally got him the monitor after cleaning out the yucky wedge this morning.
While the Boston game is okay, nothing compares to the Kentucky at LSU game today! Or SC at NC! If you guys feel up to it, check it out. I will definitely be pulling for Kentucky for ya Jim!
Keep strong and keep on keepin' it on!
Chris, Sierra and Nevada
Hi Jim & Linda,
It was great to be able to talk to both of you yesterday. If you feel up to receiving company, please give a call (781-599-7444). Otherwise, we'll stay home - it sounds like they keep you pretty busy!
I am so glad that we could provide you with such gorgeous weather and some great baseball while you are here in Boston. By the way, we can show you some pretty good football tomoroow too. If you have the chance to take a short walk, the Head of the Charles is quite a sight on a Fall afternoon.
You are both in our thoughts and prayers,
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