Thursday, November 29, 2007

Two weeks off!

Hello friends and family!
Well, I took the last dose of the four week round of Sutent yesterday, so now I get two weeks off from that medication. Hooray! I'm hoping that I can get some strength back in that time. We'll see how it goes. I have tests and scans next Tuesday and then on Friday we visit the doctor to find out the results of the tests. Obviously, that will be a pretty tense day, but we're certainly keeping positive thoughts about what the results will be.
I know that Andrea wrote the last blog about the Friday night gathering at Badin, but I wanted to add my two cents worth. I can't tell you how much I appreciated seeing everyone there and catching up with so many former students. It was a truly special night for me. Thanks to everyone who came and, especially to Mrs. Helms who organized, planned, set up and cleaned up at the event. (Thanks to Dave Gretz and Linda Weathers, too!) The whole night certainly made me realize the many things in my life that I have to be thankful for and how blessed I am to be part of the wonderful Badin community. You guys are the best!
Love ya! Mrs. Wimmers


Unknown said...

We love ya Linda! Keep up the strength and postive attitude! It was wonderful to see you at the Badin gathering!!!

Unknown said...

We love you too! PS you can play set on-line...they have a daily puzzle you can play at you would enjoy! Enjoy the medication free couple of fingers, toes, and anything else I can figure out how to cross will be crossed for you on the day of the doctors visit!