Thursday, December 13, 2007

Apparently, I was a quart low.

Seasons Greetings!
First of all, thanks to all of you who had such wonderful responses to our latest good news. That was quite a Christmas present for us. Now we just keep praying that the Sutent continues to do its job far into the New Year.
Fortunately, I felt well enough to do most of the fun Christmas things that I had planned last weekend. I would just spend most of the day resting and then getting ready, so by the evening I had quite a bit of energy to enjoy the event. Yesterday I started the second round of 50 mg Sutent, so I'm hoping that I can keep at this pace and not be slowed down too much this time. After all, there's only a few days left for me to get ready for Christmas. This year, no matter what I get done, people will understand. (There are some advantages to being sick!!)
On Monday I did get a transfusion of 2 units of blood. It takes about 4 hours, so I made myself pretty comfortable over at Bethesda. In the middle of it I was even treated to the Healing Hands women who do a half-hour relaxation exercise. That was something I had not expected!
Thanks to Denny and Trice for the rides and goodies. What a great feeling to know there are so many wonderful people I can count on!
Hope your holiday preparations are going well.......just don't stress out too much!
All of you mean so much to me and I appreciate everything you do!
Love ya! Linda


kmberk said...

Hey Linda,
Glad to hear that things are progressing well. We hope to see you in January.

Kathy & Jack

Anonymous said...

This wonderful news and all of your support for you and your family shows that prayers are answered.


Anonymous said...

Jim and Linda

I'm glad you are getting good news. Keep fighting!! Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Donna Knese

Unknown said...

So glad you are able to partake in the holiday festivities! Have a blessed final week of Advent, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!

ps- the St. X boys are getting almost as squirrelly as the teachers waiting for break to start! ;)

Kelli K said...

Merry Christmas!!!!! I'm just getting updated on your blog and I was just thrilled to read your great news!!! Everyone keep praying--God is listening. I was hoping to call and visit before Christmas, but this cold that I have is just not going away. What can I expect when I live in a germ factory! You will be at the top of my holiday prayers, and my Christmas thoughts.

Love, peace and many, many more blessings this Christmas season!

Anonymous said...

L Dubya,
I am so glad to hear the good news!! I wanted to let you know that St.Nick brought me Set and I was so excited! If you are feeling up to it or are bored, I know a few of us would love to play Set with you, so let me know! I hope the good news continues and that you are enjoying the holiday season.
Meghan Connelly :)