Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Back from the Brink

One thing Linda and I have learned is that when you have cancer, there's no reason to believe that today will be like yesterday-- you just take every day as it comes, and expect that every week will be interesting, to say the least. This week was no exception.

All the while we were at the hospital last Monday and Tuesday, Linda was on oxygen. Dr. Bhandari said that the lung tumors had grown to the point that breathing would be difficult, and since the new medication (Torisel) would at best slow tumor growth, not reverse it, he did not expect her breathing would improve. So we went home with an oxygen tank and an appointment with a home oxygen supply company. Within two hours of using the home oxygen condenser, Linda got a bloody nose, and stopped using it. I went out and rented a pulse oximeter (the thingee that measures blood oxygen levels) with the intention of showing Linda that she needed to use the oxygen, but the oximeter showed her levels were normal, even without using oxygen. We checked it almost hourly for the next three days, and her blood oxygen level was the same as mine. So much for the home oxygen unit.

When we mentioned all this to Dr. Bhandari later in the week, he was pleased but surprised. He felt that a combination of the blood transfusion and Torisel worked better that he had expected. So Linda had a fairly good week, but still is having trouble maintaining her weight.

Today was the second Torisel chemotherapy treatment, and it turned into a marathon visit. We arrived at 12:15 and didn't finish until 5:45. Part of the problem was that Dr. Bhandari wanted the blood tests done over, because the first one was "too good to be true". Linda's blood protein level was in the normal range for the first time in three months. The second test showed the same result. He said he still didn't believe it, so while we could go ahead with the Torisel IV, he wanted us to get her blood tested tomorrow at a different facility.

With only two IV treatments so far, it's hard to say if there will be any difficult side effects in the future, but for now things are stable. We can't wait to see what the next week holds.

Luv ya all,
Jim & Linda


Unknown said...

I always have intentions before prayer at St. X and I start with the boys and then add my own intentions at the end. I have been praying for you for months and even asking for extra strength prayers the past few weeks. Yesterday one of my boys prayed for you as his own intention before it was my turn to add intentions. Remember as you face each step of this roller-coaster journey, that you have managed to capture the emotion and attention of high school students who have not even met you. This doesn't surprise me, because while you were never my teacher in the classroom, you have been my teacher in life for many years now. I know you will face the ups and downs that lie ahead with strength, faith and hope, continuing to teach by example what it means to be a woman of faith.
Love ya!
Lora :)

Anonymous said...

good news about the protein level, it must have been the meatballs! I'll get some more for you. Look forward to seeing you Sat.
Love Patty

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Let's continue pleasantly surprising the doctors! I will keep praying.

Susan said...

Linda's always full of surprises, isn't she? But one thing that never surprises me is her continued strength. She is amazing. More prayers for every new day!

Anonymous said...

I learned of your illness only 2 weeks ago. Every prayer helps and I want you to know that you are in my prayers. I am so impressed by the strength and determination shown by you and your family. I wish you all the best.
Jeannie Scholl (former Badin French)