Friday, December 19, 2008

A Prayer Service

Hi Everyone, Jim here.
I've spoken with Gina Helms of Badin High School (where Linda taught). She says there are a large group of students who were away at school during Linda's funeral, and they asked her to organize a prayer service next week when they are back in town. Gina told me that it would last about an hour, and that there's no reason to limit attendance to just students, so I just wanted to let everyone know about it in case they'd like to attend.
The Details---
Location: Badin High School, 571 new London Rd., Hamilton, OH 45013
Date: Tuesday, Dec. 23rd
Time: 7:00pm

fyi, I'm planning just a few more posts after this, and then wrapping up the blog...


Unknown said...

I wish I could be there. I will be there in spirit.

Anonymous said...

I was disappointed the weather didn't cooperate for the prayer service, but happy to hear Helms mention we might be able to have something similar in the spring.

As I see you will end this blog soon, I thought I would take a moment to reiterate how much I thought of Wimmers.

Of the six kids on our mission trip, four had attended Karios the week before with Wimmers. I know it drove all of them crazy to want to mention something that had happened on Karios, but not be able to because they didn't want to ruin the surprises for me and the junior who was along.

But the part of the story that makes we go, "Linda Wimmers you are an amazing person," is that two months later when I finally attended Karios, she explained to me the starfish story she couldn't explain in July.

That was Wimmers, 2 months later, remembering something that she knew would be important to me and taking the time to explain it. I am sure she had a million other things that had happened during those eight weeks and she had told a thousand other kids the same story. But she made sure I knew.

Brittney Dudley