Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Hi everybody, Jim here. I said we'd post later so I thought I'd better check in. It's 11:30pm (I don't know why that stupid time marker at the bottom of the post is always off, but it is), and Linda is finally resting comfortably in her own bed, as I will be shortly as well.

I'm sure we have the reputation at Beth Israel Hospital as the "last minute panic family" after today. At 9am Linda's oxygen saturation level was still only 92% even with 3 l/min of oxygen going in her nose thingee all night. Once again everybody was telling us that we would be staying another day. Linda still had fluid in her lungs causing the low O2 levels, and the Lasix (now being given orally since the line had been removed) would not act quickly enough to decrease the fluid levels. They could administer it through a seperate IV, but the Nurse Practicioner said excessive urination might result, which would not be good for a plane ride. On the other hand, traveling with low oxygen saturation levels could cause respiratory distress on the flight home which would not be good either. Better to wait until tomorrow. But after everything that happened this week, we knew better than to cancel the plane reservations. Around 11am Linda used the restroom for the umpteenth time, and we forgot to put the O2 back on (the line doesn't reach to the restroom). It had been off for 15 minutes when Dr. McDermott showed up. Everybody decided, what the heck, let's check the O2 again. With everybody in the room (McDermott, Virginia the NP, Gretchen the nurse), she registered 94% with no O2! So Dr. McDermott suggest gettting out of bed later on and checking it once more as she's walking down the hall. So around 1pm we do just that, and Gretchen now gets a reading of 97%. We finally get the all clear sign, and Virginia started writing all the prescriptions for home (seven of them), Gretchen started writing the discharge instructions, and I started throwing everything in suitcases. (I swear, after a week it looked like a family of gypsies had moved into the room. Come to think of it, that's about what happened.) Hugs all around for everybody as we leave.

The trip to the airport and the plane ride home on one of Comair's toy airplanes were not the most comfortable for Linda, but she made it without incident. If only we had thought to take some anti-nausea medication before we left the hospital. We finally pulled on to Trestle Drive around 8:30pm, and another Good Samaritan Neighbor (Cindy Enger this time), stayed with Linda while I ran to the pharmacy to fill the prescriptions. Our front porch was already decorated for Halloween, with lit Jack o' Lanterns, flowers, and balloons strewn about, and the lawn mowed. (We don't know who to thank yet, but Trestle is like Wisteria Lane, secrets don't keep forever.)

It hard to believe we only get 5 days of recuperation before we head back to Boston next Monday to do this again. But if it works, it will all be worth it. Sometime over the next few days, I'll try to explain what the IL-2 treatment is expected to do. But not now. Now I'm going to bed. I'll let you know how Linda's doing in the morning.

Thanks everybody, your friendship means the world to us.

Linda and Jim


Charlotte said...

Dear Jim and Linda,

Very happy you made it home and very impressed and respectful of the porch decorators...what a wonderful idea. Continuing to send good thoughts your way.

Charlotte and Vicki

Bob said...

Jim & Linda:

Glad you're home safe! There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed! Heather returns this evening and I know will be anxious for an update. You're both in my heart and my prayers.


Bob said...
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Susan said...

Welcome home! Don't overdo it and just let people take care of you, Linda. You deserve plenty of R&R between treatments. And eat up (if you can)!

kmberk said...

Linda & Jim:
What a journey, but at last you're home. It sounds like you two have wonderful neighbors. I just know, Linda, that being home will accelerate your recovery from the 1st. round. I (Jack)can't get the song "Perhaps Love" out of my mind.
Let's dance in the living room!
All our love and prayers,
Jack and Kathy

Rae Townsend said...

Dear Mr. Jim and Ms. Linda,

So glad you guys made it home safely. Jeremy and I are thinking of your family. I spoke to Andrea last night, and the progress sounds great. You are in our hearts and prayers, and I promise to keep Andrea in good spirits.

Andrea's v-ball buddy

becky long said...

Jim, you are such a blessing to Linda. I am specifically praying for moments of rest and peace for you, as well as moments of strength and peace for Linda. Welcome home!

Wan and Saran said...

Linda, Jim

Welcome home. I would like to take credits for all the decoration but I'm you will find out later that it wasn't me. I only watch the golf channel not the HGTV. I prefer to watch Annika than Martha Stewart. By the way, I saw Cindy in front of your house. I think she had something to do with the decoration.

Get a lot of sleep.
Talk to you later.

Saran and Wan

ChelleSmiles said...

Wimmers Family,

I'm thrilled to see your family so supportive and involved in this entire process.

I don't usually go around recommending vitamins or medications, but I felt compelled to after I read about the nausea. Ginger vitamins is a great non-drowsy anti-nausea fix. You can read the details here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginger
under the "medical sections." Always a good idea to check for interactions, though, since I'm obviously not a doctor.

My thoughts are with you. You've clearly got an amazing family that is dedicated.

Welcome home.

Michelle Burress

Andrea said...

Jack and Kathy,
That's funny; "Perhaps Love" is on the music CD that my friend Susan made for my mom and we listened to in the hospital.

Mom and dad,
Hang in there and recognize the little improvements. I know it seems hard for you to tell, but every time I talk to you, you sound better and better.

Unknown said...

I forgot to tell you on the phone - the squishy ball you lent to me is a big hit in Wisconsin. A lot of people jump back when it starts popping, and others say that they feel "dirty" after using it. Just thought you'd want to know.

Kelli K said...

Yea! I bet you didn't know how good it felt to be in your own bed until tonight! Three words for you...rest, rest, rest. Godspeed. As you lay in your warm bed, feel God's loving embrace. Praying that you build up your strength for next week.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

People should read this.