Friday, October 19, 2007

Third Day

Well, the anti-nausea meds seems to be working. Today was the first day Linda kept everything down. But (there's always a but) the anti-nausea meds cause so much drowsiness that she's barely able to stay awake. Virginia, the Nurse Practioner from Boston actually called us today when she heard from Dr. Glotzbecker about our problems yesterday. Between her conversation and a later call we made to the on call Oncologist, we decided to cut back a little on the Ativan and see if we can keep her awake tomorrow. You can't imagine how relieved I was to actually see her eating something for the first time in three days (thanks for the soup, Wan).

Breathing is becoming a problem again. With so much sleep and so little movement, her lungs aren't getting much exertion. Once she gets some strength back and starts moving around more, I'm hopeful this problem goes away.

It's hard to believe we are actually going back on Monday to start the second round on Tuesday. Virginia told us to call on Monday morning to let them know how Linda was doing, and they could always move it back a bit. I guess we'll see how the weekend goes.

Two new blog developments--I've fixed the time stamp at the bottom of the post, which was driving me crazy, and more importantly, I think I've fixed the comment option so you don't have to sign-up first to make a comment--I know that was driving some of you crazy. Let me know if I was successful.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers,

Linda and Jim


Anonymous said...

Linda, I love the pictures you have of you and your family. When I read about your struggles they remind me of the happy, healthy you. I pray for the return of that time soon! Keep the faith +++
your friend,

Joules Evans said...


Am just thinking of you. Praying the rest is your body taking a deep breath to beat this.

I am so grateful to be able to keep up with you via this blog, but would love to come see you in person when you are up for visitors. Meanwhile, I remain camped out at your blog, and praying for you along the way.

If there is anything I can do for you, here I am.


kmberk said...

We're hoping that you are improving in all areas. Much love from Chicago.
Kathy & Jack

Anonymous said...

Linda and Jim

Well suffice to say that I was surprised to hear that Linda's health had become another struggle. Gary Middendorf sent me the blog address last week so I can keep up as well as post my support for you and your family.

Keep your spirits up, I know that your desire for life will keep you going.

Erik Lind

Judy said...

I am Ann Talley's sister-in-law (and therefore, Andrea's aunt!). I just wanted you to know that we are pulling for you and am so happy to be able to keep up with your progress via this blog. I do hope that this next round of treatments will go well. At least you will have the advantage of knowing some of the ropes this go around. Then again, maybe the unknown and unpredictable, results in so much humor that it is helpful! We will continue praying for you and wishing you the very best. Judy & Paul Briggs

Pam & David said...

Pam and David
Hang in there Lin.
Keep that sunny smile
even though your down for awhile.
We know this fight you will win.
You always strive to do your best
Even through trials you ace the test. You are in our prayers.
Love P & D